Polski dla obcokrajowców / Polish for foreigners

Zuzanna Bućko 29 lat

516 Wyświetl numer

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45 zł /60 min.
Korepetycje Opole (całe miasto)
U ucznia/ u korepetytora
Lekcje online/Skype
Szkoła podstawowa, Gimnazjum, Szkoła średnia, Studia

Have you just come to Poland and you feel lost surrounded by people talking in this crazy language? Let me help you understand them! Polish language is something I was lucky enough to be born with. But I am aware of the fact how difficult it is for foreigners.

Learning languages is my passion so I know methods to make it effective and pleasant. Feel invited to contact me and start your journey with this madness.

During our lessons we can talk in English or Spanish.

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